Monday, January 27, 2020

Specifications of Damage Assessment Technique

Specifications of Damage Assessment Technique Specifications of Damage Assessment Technique Damage Tolerance (DT), is the ability of a material to function and resist fracture after a permanent change/defect has taken place for a given period of time. The Damage Tolerance is an essential attribute of a structural component, whose failure could result in catastrophic loss of life or property. Damage Tolerance Analysis The DT addresses two points concerning an initially defected/damaged structure. First, it determines fracture load for a specified defect size. Meaning that the load where material failure occurs, when a specified defect size, exists is determined. Second, it predicts the required length of time for a sub-critical defect to grow to the size that causes fracture at given load. In this case, it is assumed that the defect can extend and propagate in a sub-critical manner1. The determination of fracture/failure load for a defected component will be the primary target of the DT analysis that will be carried out for the projects needs. To apply the DT method, the fatigue target stress levels need to be calculated. The last can be derived from the ultimate allowable stress levels. The ultimate allowable stress levels can be basically determined by the loading conditions applied to the specified component. In every structural case, the specific target stress value for any given primary structural component is adjusted for its specific geometry and material properties. Therefore, the prediction of the required length of time for a sub-critical defect to grow to the size that causes fracture at given load will be attempted to be determined. Of course to achieve predicting the required length of time for a sub-critical defect to grow to the size that causes fracture at given load, the respective material data should be available. Damage Tolerance Analysis Procedure It is known that a structure usually fails by one or combination of failures. These failures can be elastic /inelastic deformations, buckling, fatigue or accidental impact, etc. In the flow chart of Figure 4.1 a possible procedure that might be adopted to carry out the numerical DT analysis of a structural component is depicted. This flow chart, as it can be seen, covers the case of static and fatigue load. Despite of this, each case can be assessed and examined individually if all the required inputs are available. 1 Damage Tolerance Analysis of Aero Structural Components, TATA Figure 4.1: Damage Tolerance Analysis Procedure It is intended to develop a fully parametric numerical model of the structural (metallic and/or composite) component for the DT modelling using the aid of suitable Finite Element software. The work plan is to write a scripting code in the FE softwares parametric design language to allow defect geometric characteristics (e.g. defect location, damage size etc.) and external data (e.g. geometric characteristics, material properties, loading and boundary conditions of the component) to be automatically inserted to the numerical model of the structural component. The aim is to develop a code with the following features: easy data insertion by uploading the geometry of the component, apply loading and boundary conditions to the DT modular unit, and data import for different types of components with minimum modifications. Moreover, it will be attempted to achieve a sufficient mesh density for the Finite Element model (refined FE model) that will provide adequate accuracy by minimizing the discrepancies of the results in a prescribed range. At the same time, it is desired that the model will not consumes excessive computational time and effort for its solution. It will be attempted to incorporate an adaptive mesh routine for increasing the mesh density at the defect regions according to certain condition/criteria, such as the minimum energy condition. This technique will be employed in case that complex geometry is about to be analysed. Eventually, a post-processing macro-routine will also be programmed to process the results from the analysis solution. A possible way for verifying whether the structural component can operate with defect or repair is required is by calculating the Margin of Safety (MS) for the examined component. Using the maximum stress (von-Mises) obtained from the numerical analysis, static margin of safety (MS) obtained for limit and ultimate loads can be calculated respectively. By employing the suitable failure criteria a possible reduction of the components structural strength will be defined. Required inputs for Damage Tolerance Analysis In this section the inputs that will be required for carrying out the numerical structural analysis are listed in the following paragraphs. A brief explanation about each required input is also presented in order the reader to comprehend the necessity of each characteristic. Components geometric characteristics The geometric characteristics of the component can be separated in three distinguished categories, which both of them have to be defined with accuracy. These categories are: components   geometry   (the   geometric   characteristic   of   the   reference-no   defect- component), type of defect, and geometry of the defect. And they are explained in more detail below. Components Geometry Initially, the geometric characteristics of the component are required for carrying out a numerical analysis that will assess the DT of the investigated component. In more detail, the geometric characteristics of the investigated component-in case of a flat plate- are its width, length, its thickness etc. For the case where a more complex geometry needs to be investigated, CAD drawings will be required. It is preferred to provide EXIS with the drawings in electronic format in a neutral file (e.g. .igs or .stp format) to allow the smooth insertion of these file to the FE software. Additional inputs will be required, depending the case, for de-featuring the CAD model and eventually generate an equivalent simplified FE model. It is expected the last to have less elements/nodes and hence less computational demands. Typeofdefect The type of flaw detected by the Non Destructive procedure (e.g. crack, delaminations, etc.) will be an advantage to be known and given as input before developing the FE model for the DT analysis, Figure 4.2. It will be helpful to know the defect type DT Analysis of the structural component will examine, so the appropriate modelling procedure and discretization method in the defects region will be used. Delaminations(single-andmulti-level)Freeedgedamages(delaminations, notches,loosefibers,etc.) Figure 4.2: Type of defect to be analysed DefectGeometry It is essential when performing a numerical structural analysis of a defected component to know the geometry of the defect. Basically in this case the geometry of the defect is part of the geometry of the analysed and investigated component. Therefore, the   non-destructive method (PA or IRT) will initially detect the damage and generate an image. The image processing procedure will allow to calculate the size of the defect and its location. The geometric characteristics that are expected to extract are the area, width (w), height (h) and the coordinates of the defected area into the component. An estimation of the through thickness damage will be also required for the FE model. The last is expected to be provided by the software that will perform the non-destructive testing. It might be necessary to model the defect using an equivalent area of a circle or rectangular, in order to avoid modelling complex defect shapes, such as of Figure 4.3. In case that this approach is utilized, a validation procedure will be performed. Figure 4.3: Geometrical characteristics of the defect Material mechanical properties To carry out a numerical DT analysis of a component, it is necessary to insert the appropriate material models into the FE model to simulate the exact behaviour of the component and its strength. In case the metallic components are examined, the material properties that need to be available are the following: Modulus of Elasticity (E), and Poisson Ratio (ÃŽ ½). Regarding composite components, monolithic CFRP is the main category that is believed that is about to be investigated, since a wide range of currently flying aircrafts, such as the Airbus 3XX family is using them. Therefore, in case that monolithic composite material the material properties that define the material model will be inserted to the FE model. The following material properties can adequately define the behaviour of the material model. Material properties of the ply Eij, Gij and vij, where Eij Gij and vij is the Young, Shear modulus and Poissons ratio in the i,j direction respectively. The subscripts i, j can take values from 1 to 3 and they are used for defining the material coordinate system, Figure 4.4. Ply thickness. Stacking sequence and number of plies, Figure 4.4. Axial Strength of laminate in 1, 2 and 3 direction. Shear Strength of laminate in 12, 23 and 31 direction. If the material inputs are not available from the designer of the component, then they will be taken from the open literature. Figure 4.4: Representative stacking sequence of a CFRP composite and material coordinate system Characteristic example of a set of three dimensional failure criteria is the maximum stress failure criteria. They are presented below (ÏÆ'ij are the calculated layer-stress components in the (ij) direction and the denominators are the ultimate strengths in the corresponding direction). Maximum  Stress  Failure  Criteria: The nominator of each ratio is the maximum stress value that is developed in the structure. The denominator is the strength of the material in each direction. Whenever the ratio is less than one then no failure occurs, otherwise material failure exists. It desired not having any failure when ultimate load is applied to the component. Restraints and Boundary conditions The stress state of a composite structural member is strongly related with the way this member is attached to the rest of the aircraft structure. Knowing that in the area of the defect/damage stress concentration exists, the correct definition of the boundary conditions is essential. To this end, the boundary conditions of the structural component must be provided in order to apply the respective degrees of freedom/ constraints to the FE model. Loading conditions For carrying out the DT analysis, the loading conditions exerted to the composite component need to be defined. It is essential for the numerical analysis the applied load to be known; hence it is a required input. In more detail the limit load that is applied to the structural component needs to be known before running the analysis. Additional inputs Additional inputs might be required to perform the DT analysis of a specific component with a specific type of defect. In that case additional inputs might be needed.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Tom Brown’s Schooldays

Schooldays Different Interpretations Tom Brown’s Schooldays by Thomas Hughes was first published in 1857, yet it is still currently used in several literature classes. The book is a phenomenal piece of literature that has motivated several people into creating their own adaptations in a media format. The main protagonist in the story is Tom Brown, a young thirteen year old boy with great Christian morals before attending Rugy School. The antagonist and bully of the story is Harry Flashman who is corrupted by the power he receives from his father’s influential role in funding the school.The Story follows Brown’s transformation from a kind and gentle young man into a cruel boy with no remorse. The main influence on Brown’s metamorphosis was Flashman’s constant harsh treatment of weaker and younger students attending Rugby. At the end of the story Brown takes a look back at the time he spent at Rugby and is forced to question his morals. The 2005 movie adaptation was very well scripted and contained most of the basic themes that were portrayed in the book. After doing an acceptable amount of research about the movie I discovered that it was filmed at the actual Rugby School described in the book.I was surprised to see that most of the cast members fit my description of what the characters should look like from reading the book. Watching the movie and reading the book were similar in the way of developing an emotional bond between the characters and the audience. An example of this would be my hatred toward Flashman because of his harsh treatments on the weaker children that couldn’t defend themselves. Although the movie was quiet of an emotional thrill ride there were significant differences from the original story.It is an extremely difficult task to depict the same story in a novel onto a movie or TV screen, and Tom Browns Schooldays directed by Dave Moore was no exception. The movie had left out two significant parts of the story that were crucial to the introduction and conclusion of the novel. The beginning of the movie started off with Brown’s father talking to him about not loosing his Christian morals and sending him to Rugby. In the novel it begins with Brown’s pleasant life before Rugby School, this helps the reader establish Tom’s personality and experiences. I was disappointed when I idn’t see this in movie because it helps the reader develop a sense of Brown’s past and compare it to his life at Rugby. The conclusion of the movie ends with Brown as one of Arthur’s pallbearers at his funeral. It was interesting to see this in the movie because in the original novel Arthur never died and actually helps the other students realize their harsh methods, inevitably changing their ways. There was also an added scene in the movie that never occurred in the book. The sex scene involving Flashman and Sally which I found quite pointless to include in the movi e.After comparing the novel and movie it is hard not to notice the differences but the main theme of a young man realizing his moral obligation is still portrayed. I enjoyed reading and watching the story but overall I have to say the novel was much better because the movie kept on straying away form the original story. I understand that Dave Moore was trying to make the movie original because of the previous movies before, but it felt like a different story in the introduction and conclusion of the movie. Tom Brown’s Schooldays by Thomas Hughes is a wonderful work of literature that will still be widely used in future.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Health Care Project Essay

Team B has chosen prescription drugs for our health care reform project and how our current economic status is influenced. We will give ideas and solutions to show how to decrease the drug pricing. Ways that can be implemented toward a solution. Pharmaceutical company’s need to amend their business practices from a high profit, low development model to a moderate profit, moderate to high development model. Structures and regulation that will explain the competition, barriers to entry, and regulations. Taking a look at drug pricing from different perspective, like cost, research, and development, marketing, and the manufacturing of pharmaceutical drugs. The Monopoly of pricing who is involved, and the curves associated with it. Price discrimination how it changes who’s involved and what the criteria are for groups as well as pricing for individuals. How cost of co pays differ from brand names to generic and how the drug formulates come into play. How to make the system work for everyone that will amount to higher than just a 30-day supply, pharmacy assistance programs, local charity programs, and low income opportunities. Better ways to enforce existing legislation, vote in new legislation, and regulate prices across the board. The above affects the insured and non-insured American’s. For most American households, paying for health care to include prescription drugs and medical bills has been one of the hardest financial strains out there. According to a report published by (Consumer Reports, 2012), many have cut back on other household expenses or taken potentially dangerous measures with their health to afford their medications. The most affected population is the working-age Americans who do not have prescription drug insurance coverage. More than half of the people who completed the survey requested by Consumer Reports took one or more prescriptions had to reduce other household expenses or make changes in how the general population manage their finances. These reductions included how much they spend on their groceries, entertainment, activities with the family, and using their credit cards to purchase medications. The problem  was more severe with younger people than elderly people age 65 and older. â€Å"84 percent of them said they had to resort to such measures† (Consumer Reports, 2012) as previously listed. Prescription drugs or better yet the cost of prescription drugs is a discussion in the country of importance. The rise of the cost of prescription drugs is of important to many people in the United States and plays a huge role in the economics of health care. The elevated pricing of prescription drugs has become a focal point of politics and in need of some governance. Even though healthcare and prescription drugs are seen as a private sector issue, the discussion of some socialist measures put into place is a definite need for the economy. Some of those ideas include price-capping expensive drugs and even importing drugs from Canada. Healthcare and prescription drugs have been privatized; however, the government has a huge influence on them both. According to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, the government, including state, and federal, has contributed more the 2.7 trillion in 2011. This shows that we have hidden, or more politically correct, blurred the view of a socialist healthcare system. The currently health care system with health care reform has caused confusing for co nsumers. Many people are struggling to pay for the high cost of medication they are on. Some of the patients have to take a different type of medication, which is called alternative medication because their insurance denied paying for it in addition; the process to get approval from insurance takes longer time and more paperwork back and forth from doctors and insurance companies. In reality, health care consumers are the victims, they suffer from their medical illnesses, and they suffer for the high cost of prescription drugs. Health care reform in theory is helping more than forty million people to have health coverage, the demand curve shifts to the right. The important matter at the present time is the supply to cover that many people to have a quality care whereas the economy is gradually recovering. The unemployment rate is not changing much, it is still relatively high. When the prescription drug cost much of our income, seeking for other solution becomes a must do from consumers, they tend to dismiss their prescriptions or buying medication from online market, w hich may cause bad health than curing purpose.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Exploring ADHD and Available Treatments Essays - 2279 Words

Abstract: This research paper describes ADHD and the treatments available. It discusses the different medications and their side effects and explains the opinions of some doctors for an alternative treatment. The main goal of the writing is to shed some light on the disorder and describe some theories about ADHD. This goal is stated in the thesis which talks about how ADHD cannot be identified exactly, the side effects to the medication are harsh, there are different alternative treatments, and research shows it may be caused from hormones and sleep deprivation. A Normal Life ? Imagine sitting in a fourth grade science class. The teacher is lecturing in the front of the room while a groundskeeper mows the grass outside the window.†¦show more content†¦What is ADHD? ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurobiological disorder found most commonly in children around the age of seven. ADHD symptoms are poor attention skills and hyperactivity. The first known ADHD symptoms were found in the mid 1800s in children with nervous system injuries and diseases. In 1848, a German physician wrote a childrens story, Fidgety Phil, describing hyperactive behavior. George Frederic Still, (Armas 2001) a British Pediatrician who believed that the children were brain-damaged and described the children as, aggressive, defiant, lawless, overactive, attention impaired, dishonest and accident-prone this first discovery. He also described them as having a defect in moral control. Since the beginning of ADHD people have been trying to find a cure for the hyperactive symptoms, but maybe the cure was right in front of everyones eyes all society needs to do is open them. Another statistic included with ADHD is the fact that between 1997-1998 data from the CDCs National Health Interview Survey showed that one-half of children diagnosed with ADHD have also been identified as having a learning disability. 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